Understanding five different types of anxiety in dogs

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Separation Anxiety: Dogs with separation anxiety become distressed when left alone.

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Social Anxiety: Some dogs are anxious in social situations, especially around other dogs or unfamiliar people.

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Noise Anxiety: Dogs with noise anxiety become fearful during loud noises such as thunderstorms, fireworks, or construction sounds.

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Travel Anxiety: Dogs that experience travel anxiety get stressed during car rides. Symptoms can include drooling, vomiting, panting, or restlessness.

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Fear of Strangers: Some dogs are particularly anxious around strangers or unfamiliar people.

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Fear of Veterinary Visits: Dogs can develop anxiety associated with vet visits due to past negative experiences.

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Resource Guarding Anxiety: Dogs with resource guarding anxiety become anxious when someone approaches their food, toys, or other possessions.

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Aggression-Induced Anxiety: Dogs may become anxious when exposed to aggressive behavior, whether from other dogs or humans.