The Type Of Canned Tuna You May Want To Skip At The Grocery Store

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Bluefin Tuna: Bluefin tuna is overfished and listed as endangered or critically endangered.

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Bigeye Tuna: Bigeye tuna is another overfished species. It's best to choose more sustainable options.

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Yellowfin Tuna: While yellowfin tuna is not as endangered as bluefin or bigeye, it's still important to choose products that are sustainably sourced.

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Albacore Tuna: Albacore tuna is often sold as "white tuna." It can contain higher levels of mercury compared to other species, so consume it in moderation.

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Skipjack Tuna: Skipjack tuna is one of the more sustainable options and generally has lower mercury levels compared to other types of tuna.

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Tongol Tuna: Tongol tuna is a smaller species of tuna, which often means it has lower mercury levels and is more sustainable.

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Bonito Tuna: Bonito tuna, also known as skipjack bonito, is a good alternative to other types of tuna due to its sustainability.

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Light Tuna: Look for cans labeled as "light tuna" because they typically contain skipjack or other smaller, more sustainable species.