Cybersecurity Tips For Boomers

1. Strong Passwords

Use strong, unique passwords for each online account. Use capital and lowercase letters, numerals, and symbols. Consider utilizing a trusted password manager to store and manage passwords.

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Enable 2FA whenever possible. Adding a phone code to your password adds another layer of security.

3. Stay Current

Install security patches and upgrades on your devices, operating systems, and applications. Updates often resolve vulnerabilities.

4. Email Safety

Avoid opening links or downloading attachments from unknown or suspicious emails. Phishing efforts to steal personal information should be avoided.

5. Use Secure Websites

HTTPS encryption is essential when entering sensitive data like credit card numbers or personal information on websites.

6. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Noise-canceling headphones or earbuds shut out background noise, making music, audiobooks, and calls more enjoyable and immersive.

7. Secure Wi-Fi Networks

Password-protect and encrypt your home Wi-Fi network. For secure transactions, use a VPN or avoid public Wi-Fi.

8. Be Mindful On Social Media

Limit personal information you provide and alter privacy settings to control who can see your postings.

9. Be Wary Of Unsolicited Calls

Avoid unsolicited calls asking personal or financial information. Avoid giving such information over the phone unless you initiated the conversation and know the receiver.

10. Regularly Review Accounts

To discover fraudulent transactions and questionable activity, regularly monitor bank statements, credit reports, and account activity.

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