Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

7 Worst Butter Brands You Can Buy

Added Ingredients: Watch out for excessive additives, preservatives, or artificial flavors.

Highly Processed: Choose minimally processed butter for better nutritional value.

Low-Quality Ingredients: Opt for butter made from high-quality cream or milk.

High Levels of Salt or Sugar: Check for excessive amounts of salt or sugar in the ingredient list.

High Levels of Salt or Sugar: Check for excessive amounts of salt or sugar in the ingredient list.

 Unsustainable Sourcing: Avoid brands with unsustainable farming practices or questionable sourcing.

Lack of Transparency: Choose brands that are transparent about their sourcing and production methods.

 Unpleasant Odor or Flavor: Check for signs of spoilage, like rancid or off-flavors.