10 Kitchen Hacks Every Home Cook Should Know


Quick Fix for Bland Food

Most individuals overly salt underseasoned dishes. That didn't improve taste? Try this! "If your food is bland even though you've added salt, then it's missing acidity," . "Lemon juice, lime juice, or vinegar are easy additions."


Easy Way To Re-Fluff Rice

Many leftovers come from overcooking rice! Before microwaving leftover rice, insert an ice cube in the center to restore its fluffy texture.


A Helpful Sautéeing Tip

One home chef warns against sautéing onions and garlic together. After the onions are almost done, add the garlic. Oversauted garlic tastes harsh."


Keep Your Cutting Board From Slipping

There's a way to stabilize your cutting board if it slides out from beneath you when chopping veggies and fruits! Prep your cutting board without slipping with a damp paper towel.


How To Save the Veggies

Dehydrated vegetables taste bland. Save wilted veggies. "Revive veggies that have lost their water by cutting their edges and soaking them in cold water," one guy says. "Lettuce, carrots, and celery will be crisp again."


Pull the Cookies Out Early

For those who like undercooked cookies, I recommend pulling them out early. Best cookies ever! Seriously: If you're baking cookies to the recipe's exact time, you're wrong.


Invest in Quality Knives

Buying cheap cutting tools hurts you. You'll cut items more precisely and be less likely to hurt yourself with poor instruments.


The Soy Sauce Hack

Soy sauce is one of home chefs' most versatile and flavorful ingredients. Use it. "I use soy sauce in many stews and soups to help bring out savory flavors,"


Don’t Be Afraid to Microwave Broccoli

Many food experts recommend microwaving broccoli for optimal nutrients and efficiency! Roasting or pan-frying the vegetable loses many nutrients. Microwaving maintains them.


Don’t Forget To Prep Everything at Once

Prepping everything at once is a great home cooking tip. Finishing prep lets you make the best meal at home. Prep later and you'll forget ingredients.


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