10 Destinations To Visit Before They Disappear

Congo Basin

The Congo Basin in six countries generates half the world's oxygen. Deforestation, mining, and the illegal wildlife trafficking might kill most of the forest's plants and animals by 2040.

Olympia, Greece

Wildfires have scorched nearby landscapes and come dangerously close to the remains.  Antiquarians should travel soon due to heat and drought.

Galápagos Islands

Once-isolated islands are transforming. The Gálapagos are worn down by an increasing population, four busy airports, and cruise visitors.

Amazon Rainforest

Deforestation threatens nearly a third of Earth's plant and animal species in the "Earth's Lungs" forest. Illegal activities have destroyed 40% of the Amazon in 40 years.

Venice, Italy

Venice has been sinking on its wooden foundations and threatened by rising sea levels. Climatologists disagree on whether they will save the city.

The Snows of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro's snowcapped peak is a remarkable example of global warming. The mountain's 1912 and 2000 ice has melted, according to scientists.

The Maldives

The Maldives' beaches, snorkeling, and five-star resorts draw tourists.  The Maldives could be the first nation to sink by the end of the 21st century if sea levels continue to rise.

Komodo Island

Today, the island and its seas are in danger. Coral bleaching and ocean acidification threaten its magnificent reefs, while a growing population and backpacker travel.

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